11 September 2018

I.S. Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School ,Sec 21 here, as part of observing Swachhta Pakhwara organised a unique Exhibition by displaying creatively made Posters by the students on the theme of ‘Swachh Bharat’ . Impressive models depicting the theme ‘Best Out of Waste’ too were put up by the students. Meaningful posters made by students on ‘Anti Malaria & dengue’ also became the centre of attraction at the Exhibition.
“The students gave a big message in the exhibition-that of cleanliness of one’s locality, city & country. The use of waste material was done very creatively to develop models. Members of the School Management Committee & parents of students, graced the occasion and appreciated the efforts of the students.” Said Loveleen Bedi, Principal, I.S Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School.