2 March 2023

A memorial meeting was held to commemorate the 5th Barsi of Col. Dr. Jawahar Luthra, an Ophthalmologist and a true Rotarian in the IMA complex, where, Rotarian Indu Luthra donated Rupees five lac in the fond memory of her husband.
President IMA, Chd Dr. Ramneek Sharma received the cheque on behalf of IMA and announced that with the help of this donation, IMA will renovate and dedicate a room in the IMA complex in the name of Col. Dr. Jawahar Luthra. Many dignitaries spoke about Dr J Luthra including Rotarian Dr. Balram Gupta, Dr. BC Gupta, Col. RK Sharma, his colleague from AMC and CMC, Prof. Alka Kansra, Rotarian , Dr. Vanita Gupta,Rotanrian Dr. Rohit Grover and Dr Anshu Grover, Rotarian Anil Mehan, Rekha, Rotarian Dr Nitin Mathur.
The function was attended by family members of Col. Dr. Jawahar Luthra, his daughter Dr. Vanita Gulati, an Ophthalmologist and her husband Dr. Shashi Gulati an ENT specialist, Rotarian Kavita Vij and her husband Naveen Vij.
Many of the past presidents of IMA Chandigarh also graced the occasion namely Dr. Vanita Gupta, Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Dr. V.Kappal and Dr. Ajay Aggarwal along with other members of IMA namely Dr. Col. R K Sharma, Dr. Vivek Malhotra, Dr. Har Vinod Jindal and Dr. M P Singh.