Increase in price of Sago is expected during monsoon



20 June 2018


As production of good Sago (Sabudana) is less this year, it will result in increase in its price. If demand goes up during the month of monsoon, it can increase up-to Rs 500 per quintal. Salem, in Tamil Nadu is the main production center.

According to Mr. Gopal Sabu, MD, Sabu Trade Pvt Ltd, due to drought the crop of Jamikand (the only component of Sabudana) got affected, because of which the sago producers hope for rapid rate growth this season. It is pertinent to mention that some producers also added maize and various chemicals to increase the whiteness of sago, resulting in poor quality Sabudana which made sales dip.

But estimated sales are good in the coming month of monsoon, by that time, good quality sago prices may see increase by Rs 4 to 5 per kg.

In 1984, the Sabu Trade was founded with a small capital, under which the wholesale trade of sago and starch was done in Salem. Since then, the company has kept the quality of its products with the best services offered to customers and established new dimensions of success and today Sabu Trade is a reputed name in its field. Later in 1993, Saabu Export Salem Pvt Ltd was launched.  The company has a plant in Panamaruthputty in Salem district.