Indian Millennials Break Stereotypes with Samsung #IndiaReadyAction, Make it the Most Engaging Campaign

17 June 2019
India’s nightlife is as happening as the many festivals celebrated with gusto; the Baratang Island in the Andamans is a must-visit travel destination; sports mean much more than just cricket; and local rock music along with a throbbing theatre culture is equally relevant to millennials when it comes to entertainment. Gen Z and millennials from across India took to breaking stereotypes associated with the country through the Samsung ‘India Ready Action’ campaign, using video as their medium of expression.
After a four-week long successful campaign that saw 161.8 million engagements on Instagram and Facebook, the videos sent by participants showcased a different India – the Real India that its youth want to show the world. This made #IndiaReadyAction the most engaging campaign on Instagram and Facebook in the last one year.
Interestingly, it is millennials from non-metro cities across India who led this change-showcase through their videos. Video entries during the campaign came from diverse places such as Gangtok, Sangli, Pauri, Jorhat, Nayagarh, Kedarnath, Morbi, Bharuch, and Ganderbal, to name a few.
A recent survey by Samsung, India’s Most Trusted mobile and consumer electronics brand, found several stereotypes about India exist in the minds of foreigners. To them, the Taj Mahal or river Ganga are the only major tourist attractions in the country, food means curries and spices, entertainment is only Bollywood and Cricket. There is little awareness of the other possibilities in Real India.
Riding on young India’s love for expressing themselves through videos, the #IndiaReadyAction campaign urged Gen Z and millennials in India to share their vision of Real India through videos that help break stereotypes that exist about the country. Gen Z and millennials today are not just content consumers, they are also content creators. They are also very socially conscious, driven by a zest for India.
“At Samsung, we take pride in our understanding of what Indian millennials seek. #IndiaReadyAction provided young millennials a platform to showcase Real India through their video creation capabilities.The campaign drew strong participation with millennials from across the country sending in their unique video content, attempting to break several stereotypes that exist about India,” Ranjivjit Singh, Chief Marketing Officer, Samsung India, said.