Interactive session on Transgenic and Medicinal plants organized by Agriculture Dept of Aryans Group



22 April 2018


Agriculture Department at Aryans Group of Colleges, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh organized an interactive session on Transgenic and medicinal plants at its Campus. Prof. R.C Gupta of Botany Department from Punjabi University, Patiala was the Guest speaker on the occasion. Students of B.Sc (Agriculture) participated in the session.

Prof. R.C Gupta while interacting with the students described the concept of Transgenic Plants, Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), Genetically Modified Food, Risks and Precautions of Genetically Modified Organisms etc to the students, Medicinal Plants etc.

Prof. Gupta mentioned that transgenic plants are Genetically Modified Plants with the most desirable characteristics specially to enhance plant’s resistance to a disease, insect or drought, a plant’s tolerance to herbicides, improving a food’s quality or nutritional value, increased yield using techniques of modern biotechnology called gene technology.

Prof Gupta further described about the characteristics & importance of Medicinal plants which are in use since ancient times to cure diseases. The use of  black pepper, cinnamon, Turmeric, peppermint, cloves, aloe, Tulsi, Green Tea etc were also mentioned.