9 March 2023

To mark International Women’s Day, an interactive talk on ‘Why Mental Health is Important?’ was conducted by Dr Bhupinderjit Waraich, Senior Consultant, Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Hospital Mohali, with the women jail inmates of Burail Jail, Chandigarh, here today. More than 40 jail inmates attended the session and were briefed on how to reduce stress from life.
Dr Waraich elaborated why “Mental health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being. Some common mental health issues that women in jail may experience could include anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance abuse, among others”,
Dr. Waraich gave a demonstration on breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and how to ease stress and anxiety. Stress was laid on positive thinking and the need to cultivate hobbies such as painting, reading etc. She also advised the gathering to seek medical help such as a counselling session if stress-related symptoms persisted.
“Deep breathing exercises, physical exercise, and connecting with others goes a long way in coping with mental health issues. If anybody is experiencing mental health symptoms, it is important to reach out to a mental health professional,” added Dr Waraich.