
31 August 2018


Panchkula Ladies Club celebrated Janmashtmi with around 160 ladies.
Members were dressed up as Krishna, Radha, Meera, Yashoda, Gopis etc.
Bhajans were sung by Anita Kohli, Shobha,  Mamta Dubey & Meenu Sethi.
Nritya Natika was performed by Annu Goyal,  Rachna Duggal & Surekha Singh.
Sunita Garg & Priti Gupta performed on  “Radha Dhund rahi kisi ne mera sham dhunda.” Indra Singh performed kathak dance.
“Sham churiyan bechne aaya  was performed by Anita Mehta,  Veena Kapoor,Promila Goel,  Sushma Joshi & Rekha Sahni. *Raas Lila*  by Aditi Bhardwaj, Renu Mehta, Anuradha Puri,  Aarti Sharma, Manju Bansal & Puja Jindal.
President Sharda kathpalia told that
Choreography for this event was done by our club member Annu Goyal. Small krishan jhula was also set up on the stage.
In the end  members enjoyed Matki phod by all the ladies.
Tanishq Jewellers sponsored gifts for the members. All the members were gifted with Mango , Amla & keenu plants which were sponsored by Vishal Seth.