3 December 2024

Undeterrd by the traffic restrictions imposed by the Chandigarh Administration, ahead of PM Narindra Modi’s visit to city, thousands of Mela enthusiasts on Tuesday thronged the Crafts Mela and enjoyed the haunting folk tunes of various regions. In the regular morning and evening sessions of the high-octave event,the stage formances included Rajasthani folk singing by Murli Rajasthani, which was followed by folk dances, including Jhoomar (Pb), Sirmauri Naati (HP), Badhai (MP), Rakhi pada (Arunachal), Panthi bhapang badan by by Yusuf Khan. Jaabro (Ladakh), Balti (Ladakh) Kalbelia (Rajasthan), and Dhamaali (J&K). The star performers of the day were Sukhi Brar and Naqqal Goni Khan, who took the stage by storm. ‘Kachi Ghori (Raj), Behurupiyas, Nachar and Baajigar (Pb) Nagada and Been Jogis(Har) were the regular ground performances today. The daily quiz contest for children attracted more than 200 participants today. The On-the-spot photography competition on the theme “Glimpses from Crafts Mela” orgaised by the Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademy also elicited an overwhelming resposponse from the participants. The star singers of the evening were well-known singers of Himachal Pradesh, Kaku Ram Thakur and the reigning queen of Pahadi folk singing, Geeta Bhardwaj, brought live the divine folk music from the hills. Some of the folksongs Thakur sang included “Chitta tera chola Kala dora…”, “Inhan vadiyan yo tudka lana O thekedarniyes…”, “Chamba uaar ke nadiya paar…” to which the music lovers resonated enthusiastically. Bhardwaj added more colour to the musical evening by doling out her popular numbers, including “Maye ni meriye jammuan de rahe…, “Udiya kaleya kaga…”, “Dhoban Paniye jo chali ei…” and many more, evoking thunderous applause for the rendition. Tomorrow’s (December 4) fixture Popular singer Feroz Khan will wow the audience with his soulful rendition. The Mela will continue till December 8