21 August 2017

Lion Lalit Bajaj has been elected as Centennial President of Lions Club Chandigarh Host for the year 2017-2018. His installation ceremony was held on 18th Aug 2017 Lion Mohit Modi took over as secretary and Lion N K Bajaj as Treasurer of the club.
Lion H S Atwal Tamer, PMJF Lion Kishore Bansal PRO , Lion Naresh Dhamija Tail Twister, Lion M S Sandhu Membership Director along with Lion Deepak Dhingra, Lion T R Anand Lion B K Sood, Lion Anil Anand Lion R R Aneja Lion J S Nayyar Lion Subash Sagar Lion Rakesh Walia Lion Ashok Aggarwal Lion K S Sandhu Lion S N Kohli Lion Neelam Sawhney Lion Nimmi Sandhu were elected as Directors of Board.
Lion Anand Sawhney Distt Governor was the Chief Guest On this occasion Lion MJF Birender Singh Sohal Vice Distt Governor -1 was Installation officer and Lion MJF Gopal Sharma Vice Distt Governor -2 was Induction Officer Other Lion members namely Lion MJF Yogesh Soni Vice Multiple Council Chairman Lion Sanjeev Sood DCS and Lion Dheeraj DCT and office bearers of other clubs and dignitaries were also present.
Lalit congratulations . Where are you nowadays. Happy to see.congratulations
Lalit congratulations
Hi sir
I have just moved from Gurgaon to Mohali n wish to be a part of lions association.
I am already trying to do my bit for our society
I would be fortunate to be a part of lions .
Tx.i am sharing my details.Regards.Sangeeta.9899474790