5 January 2019

In India, Religious ideologies are accepted by the majority of Indians and in this way Indians definitely have faith in God in different ways. In this context, one” MATA JI KA DEVOTEE”.Sh.AshwaniKukreja, founder of “KUKREJA RELIGIOUS FOUNDATION” is an individual in Chandigarh Town, who initiates every year to organize “MATA KI CHOWKI “ a pious & religious programme” on the last day of each year i.e. 31st of December, when although majority of the Chandigarhians enjoy this last day of the year by visiting/participating either in Dancing or Musical Programmes in some hotel or resort.
This year too on 31st evening 2019 (TUESDAY), Sh. AshwaniKukreja had organized “MATA KI CHOWKI” programme in a big way in the ground in Sector 37B opposite his residence 1323, where 1000 families consisting of his relatives, friends and well-wishers participated, where these devotees performed “ARADHNA FOR MAHA MAI SHERAN WALI IN JYOTI PARCHAND” and sought her blessings for them and for their family members.
In this unique religious programme, Renowned Singer Pankaj Dhawan, came from Delhi for the first time and Raman Dewan a singer from religious channel “Divya” sung Bhajans and impacted the devotee participants with their melodious voices. On this eve different religious Jhankis were also exhibited by noted artists of the Region.
At the end of the programme, “MAA KA BRAHM BHOJ” , tasty dinner was served to participant devotees which was relished & enjoyed by devotees as Prashad.