Max Life Insurance showcases the belief ‘You Are The Difference’ in its new brand campaign

9 September 2019
Max Life Insurance Company Ltd. launched its new brand thought that introduces the belief ‘You Are The Difference’ in the lives of your loved ones. This new brand thought is in line with Max Life’s focus on encouraging consumers to realize and embrace their ‘Real Life Value’ when buying life insurance. This thought stems from the Company’s value of ‘Customer Obsession’ that means that every business decision be taken with customer at the core. 
Culturally, our concept of ‘Self’ is often subsume by a collective unit, be it a family or a team. As part of traditional Indian ethos, we tend to undermine the individual self and give precedence to collective self. Having grown up with quotes like “always be humble”, “cut your coat according to your cloth”, “less is more”, we end undervaluing our own self in every walk of life. While we rejoice in the value our loved ones bring to our life and celebrate even their smallest of achievements, we tend to undermine the value we bring to the lives of our loved ones. This habit of undervaluing ‘Self’ also manifests itself in the sum assured we opt for while buying life insurance and end up buying sub-optimal sum assured which may not be sufficient to support dreams and aspirations of your loved ones in your absence. 
Commenting on the brand campaign, Aalok Bhan, Director & Chief Marketing Officer, Max Life said that people tend to make the mistake of assessing their real value basis only their current financial status, thus often ignoring their future financial potential and underplaying the value of ‘Self’. Through real life events, our campaign will bring alive the value consumers bring to their families. We are confident that these situations will resonate with our target audience and will nudge them to relook at the value of ‘Self’.
Max Life has also created an easy to use tool to calculate ‘Real Value’ which takes into consideration current and potential financial contribution assumptions as well as the value of aspirations of the loved ones. We believe that if consumers understand their ‘Real Value’, they will automatically work towards protecting it, to ensure that their family does not have to live a life of compromise in any circumstances.