Turning 26 was a milestone for me rather than being 18 or 25 years old. I was born on 26th and it has always been my favorite number. I was looking forward to it more than any of my other Birthdays. Let me tell you first, I am always excited for my birthday like it’s some festival more significant than Diwali even. Indeed it is! I was born on that day. No it’s not self-obsession, its self-love actually.
The reason I am curious to share my milestone is that I have learnt some important lessons when I turned 26. Oh, I turned 26 on 26th December 2018. A bit late to share it but that’s how I am. A lazy one!!

I have always been a stubborn girl who loves doing what she wants, the way she wants it. But on my Birthday itself, I did something I would never have done if I wasn’t mature enough. I realized that I could lose a relation, peace in my family environment if I won’t do it. So sometimes Sacrificing isn’t always a sacrifice. It’s a gain if done at proper time with proper people. (I am not a sacrificing person anymore though, still I did it)
Secondly, I learnt that to be happy I only needed few people, like 2-3 to stay with me. Not meaning to party or anything. I was so happy just sitting with them talking and sharing. That was all. Little time with right people can be more precious than a big celebration.
I have always been a center of attention on my birthday and some days before that. It’s a month chaos always. But this time, I myself shifted that attention to my friend and that made me happy. I didn’t feel any way ignored or unimportant in doing this. Sometimes making others happy can be the most special thing you can do for yourself.
I wanted a friend to be me with on my birthday but due to some health concerns it wasn’t possible. I am actually childish not to understand this and force someone to come anyhow. But this time I automatically told my friend not to come as health is priority. Celebrations can be done later. I acted mature. (No one can believe that, but I actually did!)
Let’s talk about my look now. I have always been a Plus Size Girl. And I need not mention that last week of December is always too cold. I always get bit worried to choose my dresses because of cold weather. This year, I wore something I have never worn ever before. An off shoulder short dress!
Yeah it was a big decision for me to carry that dress in winters that too with grace. Why it’s important? Because I never wear short dresses outside without covering myself up. It was so necessary for my own confidence and esteem that I decided to do it no matter how cold it gets. It made me realize that I should do what my heart wants and should try to come out of my comfort zone for better decisions.
My best friend gifted me 26 gifts as it was my 26th Birthday and first one with her. That’s a lovely gesture no one ever did for me. Her efforts and gifts made me feel special and loved to the level I am unable to express. It made me realize that Connections with some people can be bliss even if you knew them from short time. It can go to unexpected levels as well.
Lastly, Peace over everything. I made myself feel special, didn’t expect anything from anyone. I felt good with anything I got. I was happy with everything happening. Because I long back stopped expecting anything to happen. I knew my own mental peace and self-love is important than anything else in this world.
I have never felt so peaceful, matured, happy and relaxed before that day. In real man!
We all are growing always. If not physically, then emotionally, mentally and spiritually. One enjoys most in blessing others as when you bless, you get blessed. Beautiful thoughts. Keep getting richer with experiences of life. Enjoy.
Great change
Thank you so much mam