17 February 2017

Music washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life and inspires one to live a lofty life. There is absolute tranquility and harmony, when the magical notes of music enters one’s heart. Such experiences are beyond words and can only be experienced. The same was witnessed at DAV College, Chandigarh where the creator of the Mohan Veena and the winner of the Grammy Award, Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhat mesmerized the audience with his pristine, pure, delicate and fiery music at a musical event organized by the IQAC cell of the college. Pt Bhat, who was also the chief guest of the event ,paid floral tributes to the martyrs and saluted the courage and bravery of the soldiers who have laid down their lives for the nation.
Welcoming the chief guest, Principal Dr B.C Josan specified that it was indeed a proud moment for the college to have Pt Bhat perform in the college campus. Dr Josan apprised the audience that Pt Bhatt has attracted international attention by his successful indianisation of the western Hawaiian guitar. He has established the instrument MOHAN VEENA to unbelievable heights by giving it an evolutionary design & shape and by adding 14 more strings. Profiling Pt Bhat, Artist’s profiler Mrs Anjana Gera apprised the audience that Pt Bhat is the foremost disciple of Pt. Ravi Shankar and belonged to the elite body of musicians which traces its origin to the Moghul emperor Akbar’s court musician Tansen and his guru the Hindu Mystic Swami Haridas. Before beginning his performance, Pt Bhat specified that music is the language of god created for the benefit of mankind and its promotion would help save the culture of our country. Living upto his name and fame, Pt Bhat with his sheer virtuosity and limitless supply of melodies struck harmonious notes of music . He then went on to illustrate universality of music by singing few songs. His notes took the listeners to the region of the unknown where there was only emotional ecstasy and transported them to a world of melody and sympathy. His music helped the audience to connect with their deeper self and brought out their emotions to the fore.
Delivering the vote of thanks, Dr H.R Gandhar, Advisor to the president DAVCMC, said that music has excellent exhilarating power. It can be compared to mother’s love. Just as a child forgets everything and feels joy in mother’s lap, in the same way we forget all worries and anxieties in musical environment. The event invoked ecstatic enthusiasm among the students of the college who lined up way before the scheduled start of the event to get immersed in the rhythmic beauty of Pt Visha Mohan Bhat’s music. Principal Dr B.C Josan appreciated the efforts the convener of the function, Dr. Harmunish Taneja, Prof. Joy Dhingra, Prof. Kashmiri Lal, Prof. Navneet, Prof. Seema Chudhary, Prof. Anjali and Prof. Amrit Sagar.