26 March 2019

The PG Department of Sociology of PG Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh, organised an ICSSR-NW sponsored Seminar on “Social Inclusion and Social Equality through Education” today. More than one hundred faculty members and research scholars from various institutions of the region participated in the Seminar. Mr. Rubinderjit Brar, Director Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration was the Chief-guest in the Inaugural Session. Prof. S.L.Sharma, a renowned social scientist was the keynote speaker.
Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college welcomed the guests and observed that the seminar was on a very pertinent topic, and social inclusion and equality was the need of the hour too. In his Inaugural Address, Mr. Rubinderjit Brar highlighted the initiatives being taken by the government, and especially by the Chandigarh Administration in the field of education. He stressed that substantial measures are being made available in this direction so that the educational requirements of students of all sections of the society are taken care of.
In his keynote address, Prof. S.L. Sharma discussed about the existing scenario of social exclusion and inequality at the global, national and regional level. Citing examples and data, he explained the causes of the current situation and then dwelled into the measures through which the situation can be improved. Observing that the Indian system of education is informative and not transformative, he motivated the students to strengthen themselves as the state alone cannot do everything.
This was followed by a Panel Discussion in which scholars and academicians deliberated upon the intricacies of education and its role in bringing about social inclusion and establishing social equality. The panelists reflected upon the studies and researches conducted in this field and gave suggestions to bridge the gaps.
In the Technical Session, more than fifty papers were presented on diverse issues. The focus was on themes related to Conceptual and Procedural issues; Marginalised sections of society; Theoretical issues in education as an agent of change; Role of government agencies; Right to Education etc. The presentations were very thought provoking and provided an evaluative analysis of the various dimensions related to the question of inclusion and equality.
Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Honorary Director, ICSSR and Director College Development Council, PU Chandigarh was the Chief-guest for the Valedictory Session. He congratulated the organisers for organising the Seminar on a relevant theme and felt assured that the faculty and students have benefitted from the interface. Prof. Nandita Singh, Dean International Students, PU Chandigarh was the Guest of Honour and delivered the valedictory address.
Dr. Manoj Kumar, Convenor of the Seminar presented a vote of thanks.