2 April 2019

BJP Chandigarh organized ‘Nav Mattdata Samman Samaroh’ through their youth wing BJYM at their Chandigarh party office Kamalam in sector 33. Capt. Abhimanyu – in-charge of elections in Chandigarh, Sanjay Tandon – BJP Chandigarh President, Dinesh Kumar Org. Gen. Secretary, Chander Shekhar – BJP Chandigarh Gen. Secretary, Rambir Bhatti – Election Committee coordinator, National Ex. Member Amit Rana and Devshri, Gaurav Goyal – BJYM president were present there on the occasion.
Giving information about the event, BJP Chandigarh Media in-charge Ravinder Pathania said that the first time voters are very excited about the elections. Capt. Abhimanyu interacted with the young voters and shared his experience of voting for the first time. He said, Lok Sabha Elections is the biggest festival of the country which celebrates its democracy. He said, the young voter should feel proud that his vote will be his or her contribution towards development of the nation.
He then described several important achievements and work done by the current BJP government. He said, this is a decisive government which has taken bold steps for the security and development of the nation unlike its predecessor, the Congress. He added, had the previous government been decisive and free of corruption, terrorists attacks like 26/11 would not have happened. He said, each should carefully evaluate all things which we as a nation have achieved under the BJP government and then vote. He said, its in the hands of the youth and the voters whom they might choose to run their country.
While Sanjay Tandon addressing the youngsters he appealed to all the young voters that they should definitely vote in the coming elections and also pledge that they also encourage everyone else in their house, neighbourhood and community to vote because every vote has significant contribution in the elections. Voting is the way for the citizens of the country to show their support. Unless they vote, no one can know what they want. He also asked them to vote very carefully because if they make a bad choice they will have to wait another 5 years to correct that.