New diet system introduced for a disease free body



16 July 2019


Dr B V Chauhan, a doctor from Gujarat, has introduced a new system of diet to keep the body disease free. The diet plan comprises of fasting, cleaning of colon and homemade vegetarian food.

According to Dr Chauhan, A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. In humans, ‘disease’ word is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress and social problems.

Lt Col Ranvir Singh Pathania (Retd) said, “I can tell with complete conviction and assurance that one can remove all the existing diseases from the body by adopting this new system. I have experienced myself the effects of this new diet system and the same have been found to be the ultimate. It is my endeavour to make everyone aware of this system, so that people can cure themselves without resorting to expensive treatments.”

Dr Chauhan is a promoter of New Dietary System and has explained that toxins are the major cause of diseases, hence detoxification of the body and cleansing of colon is must. He recommends fasting till 12 pm, without eating or drinking anything. Fasting will repair and detoxify the body. During fasting, one has to take enema to clean the colon.

People on medicines should take their prescribed medicines after 2 pm only, as they will be empty stomach till 12 pm. People having diabetes should take a special note of it and must reduce their medicines on reduction of their blood sugar levels for which they have to get their sugar levels checked everyday. A glass of green leafy vegetables juice can be taken at 12.15 pm and nothing else should be taken thereafter for next two hours. You can have dinner with home made food of your choice, however avoid animal foods, milk and milk products.