5 September 2018

NGO NIVEDITA organized a press conference in Chandigarh Press Club on Wednesday to announce it’s mission 3D. Famous Punjabi Singer Hans Raj Hans was also part of first meeting of their mission i.e “Dhee, Dharti and Dharohar”.
We all know, Punjab is known for vibrant culture and enriched cultural history.
Punjabi Bhangra and folk songs are very famous through the country. Punjab is known for the Sports Enthusiasm and many people from the state reached the highest level of the respective sports. Punjab is land of warriors and played important role in Indian independence and now days important part of defence forces.
Punjab, Land of green revolution and prosperity is now facing major issues of drug abuse and state is known as Udta Punjab, Female Foeticide, domestic violence, Excessive use of pesticides and special cancer train is started from Punjab. And People are migrating from Punjab and youth is not interested in agriculture as profession. And youth is absolutely disconnected from his roots and values of Punjab
So in order to counter above challenges and issue of Punjab, NGO NIVEDITA’s mission 3D is launched, to counter such issues from all dimensions. They are going to conduct cultural awareness programmes in different phases and starting from educational institutes so that they can pass theie message to youth directly. In these programs NZCC approved traditional punjabi artists will perform traditional dances and other entertainment performances like Bazi etc.
1st programme is in Chandigarh in 1st week of October.
2nd programme is in Mandi gobindgarh in 4th week of October.
3rd programme is in Pathankot in middle of November.