
18 May 2017


Steelbird helmets are famous for its finish and inventive features and “Hi-GN” helmets truly stands to the brand image as it steps forward to meet the cleanliness needs of the riders! High on hygiene factor, effective performance and attention to details Steelbird –“Hi-GN” is a perfect mix of innovative features and safety standards. Keeping in mind the riders need for safety without compromising on hygiene, Hi-GN helmets is made of performance fabric which keeps the rider fresh in summers and during long rides. Adding on to the sanitation features, it is anti-allergic, anti-bacteria, anti odour and tested against antimicrobial activity of textile standard which Steelbird strictly adheres to. It also comes with washable & removable interior. Hi-GN utilizes the bacterio static coating on the inner fabric of the helmet hence making the helmet less irritant when it comes in contact with the skin. It is also anti bacteria as the bacterio static coating inhibits the growth of bacteria taking hygiene factor to the hilt. With this technology riders no longer have to worry about the infection in the scalp.

Another USP of this fabric is that the technology is ever lasting. It will never wash out because the feature is actually embedded in the fibres of the fabric itself.

Commenting on the new helmet Brand Steelbird  Hi-GN Mr. Shailendra Jain Global Group Head – Sales & Marketing, Steelbird Helmets said “We often see young riders facing hair loss problem especially due to helmets. Sweating, dirt, food particles, multiple people sharing the same helmets and airborne bacteria getting rubbed in the helmet padding and breeding and multiplying in the warm environment is what affects the scalp health and in turn leads to hair loss. Our Hi-GN Steelbird helmets have been specially designed to do away with the hygiene related problem on the go. A lot of R&D has been done to combat the problem of the riders facing scalp infection owing to helmets. This model will surely bridge the gap considering the hygiene features allowing the riders to enjoy the ride with maximum comfort.”

Hi-GN helmets are available at all Steelbird outlets and online on Pockets friendly, packed with technology, these helmets are Riders’ best friend and great for daily use and adventure rides!

Hi-GN helmets offers a host of options for the riders to choose from which further adds to the wow factor.

The helmets are available in four different categories namely Dashing (Non- Painted) Rs. 1329/, Glossy (Painted) Rs. 1489/, Hunk (With Decals) Rs. 1739/ and Attis (With Decals) Rs. 1669/-