NRDC joins hands with CSIR-CSIO for “Commercializing IPRs & Technology”



1 April 2017


Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) and National Research Development Corporation, an Enterprise of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (NRDC) have entered into Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for marketing the inventions/innovations, patents, formulations, know-how/processes developed by CSIR-CSIO.
Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), is a premier national laboratory dedicated to research, design and development of scientific and industrial instruments. It is a multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional apex industrial research & development organisation in the country to stimulate growth of Instrument Industry in India covering wide range and applications. CSIO is manned by highly qualified and well trained staff with infrastructural facilities in the areas of Agrionics; Medical Instrumentation and Prosthetic Devices; Optics and Cockpit based Instrumentation; Fiber/Laser Optics based Sensors & Instrumentation; Analytical Instrumentation; Advanced Materials based Transducers etc. Large number of instruments ranging from simple to highly sophisticated ones, have been designed and developed by the Institute and their know-hows have been passed on to the industry for commercial exploitation. Having contributed substantially towards the growth of the scientific instruments industry in the country, CSIO enjoys high degree of credibility among the users of the instruments as well as the instrument industry.
NRDC has been serving the nation for more than six decades in development, promotion and commercialisation of technologies emanating from R&D organization, PSUs and academia. It has so far licensed technologies to more than 4800 entrepreneurs/ companies in the country in almost all sectors of industry and provided technical and financial assistance for filing about 1700 patents in India and abroad. NRDC connecting the technologies to start-ups.
Prof. R. K. Sinha, Director, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh and Dr. H. Purushotham, Chairman & Managing Director have signed this MoA on behalf of Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) and National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) respectively, senior officials from both the organizations were also present.
Prof. R. K. Sinha, Director, CSIO informed that CSIR-CSIO has developed over 40 technologies ready to transfer to the industry and entrepreneurs. He also handed over the list of technologies with brief details to Dr. H. Purushotham, Chairman & Managing Director, NRDC. It is worth to note that in the year 2016 alone CSIR-CSIO has transferred over a dozen technologies to various industries and all of them are at the verge of large scale production and commercialization.