1 April 2019

An Orientation week was organised at Woodlands House School, Sector-8, Panchkula, one of the city’s leading pre-primary schools, to mark the initiation of a new academic year. Keeping in mind that this is the first exposure for its little wards to school life, Woodlands House School such an orientation week every year in order to help them acclimatise to their new environment and learn to mingle with their new classmates.
The Orientation Week is specially designed to allow the children to have a pleasurable and positive experience that will allow them to adapt to school and accept it as a part of their life that they can look forward to rather than approach it with apprehension. A number of fun-filled activities are organised to promote participation and involvement among the children. Making their entry into Schooling a stress-free experience sets a base the holds them in good stead for the rest of their academic life.
As part of the orientation Week, Woodlands also creates formal and informal opportunities to interact with parents, for many of whom also it is a first-time experience to have their children venture out from home. This year, the school had a coffee morning and an interactive session with the parents that included a conversation with Mrs. Harleen Bakshi, a Nutritionist with Fortis Medical Centre and an expert on child nutrition.
Said Mrs. Navneet Bhandari, Principal of Woodlands House School,” We understand the a child’s entry into school life is one of the most important events in his or her life, and the parents are entrusting us with a huge responsibility. so we go out of our way to make sure that the experience is a positive one for both , parents and children.”