3 June 2023

The District council of PCCTU, Chandigarh protested in front of Administrative Block of Panjab University, Chandigarh against the unplanned and untimely implementation of New Education Policy (NEP) in colleges and submitted a memorandum to senators for this issue before the start of today’s senate meeting.
They emphasized on the fact that NEP will bring drastic changes in the higher education system so it is most important to meticulously plan the implementation for serving the real purpose of NEP. Also a number of issues like reduction in workload of science subjects and languages, designing of value added, skill enhancement courses etc. still need to be resolved as they may have larger implications on the faculty strength of colleges.
Dr. Surjit Singh, President District Council, Chandigarh said that colleges are still not ready for adapting these changes at this short interval of time because infrastructural as well as education system need of colleges may need to be updated for NEP. Therefore, implementation of NEP in colleges need to be deferred for upcoming academic session. Dr. Navneet K Pruthi, Secretary said that NEP should be implemented first only in the University and after successful implementation it may be applied to wider spectrum i.e., colleges.
He also added that there is still a lot of confusion about the NEP in teachers as well as in students. A sufficient time should be given to the teachers and students for clearing all the doubts.The students should be able to understand NEP for making righteous choice for their future and teachers should also get an idea that how NEP will affect the stakeholders before its implementation. Thus, NEP implementation need to delayed at this stage and its proper study needs to be done for effective implementation.
Dr. Vinay Sophat, President, PCCTU, Dr. Bhupinder Singh former president Dist. Council Chandigarh and Dr. Himanshu, former Secretary Dist. Council PCCTU Chandigarh along with many faculty members from various colleges of Chandigarh and Punjab also participated in the agitation and their whole hearted efforts resulted into deferment of NEP implementation in colleges for upcoming academic session.