Protesting Teachers’ Agitation Against Non-Implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission



6 December 2021


Protesting against the callous attitude of the Panjab Govt., the complete cease work agitation of the University and College teachers working in Chandigarh and Punjab against non-implementation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) pay scales has entered its 6th day today. These payscales are due since January 1st 2016 and have still not been given to more than 20,000 teachers working in state universities of Punjab and their affiliated colleges, around 400 in number. This huge workforce has been kept bereft of the financial benefits of the revised payscales rightfully due to them without any reason at a time when the whole country, with the exception of Punjab, has implemented the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

All representations to the administration and political dispensations in the state have fallen on the deaf ears, forcing the teachers to boycott all academic, administrative and extracurricular duties since December 1st, 2021. In a bid to invite the attention of the state government towards this injustice, Dr. H.S. Kingra, President Punjab Federation of University and College Teachers Organisations (PFUCTO) is sitting on a fast-unto-death at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana since December 1st. A chain hungerstrike at DAV College Chandigarh will also commence on December 6th in support of the long pending and overdue demands of the teaching workforce.