Pulse Polio Campaign



3 April, 2017


Pulse Polio Campaign April round started in Chandigarh today in booths setup at different locations. Dr. Rakesh Kashyap, Director Health & Family Welfare, U.T Chandigarh observed the campaign activities at various booths installed in Chandigarh and guided the teams to conduct the activities effectively. Sh. Maheshinder Singh Sidhu, Advocate and Councillor, Sector 8, Chandigarh also participated in this campaign by immunizing the children with  Oral Polio Drops at Polio Booth installed at Sukhna Lake, Sector 1, Chandigarh.  Dr. Anu Chopra Dosajh, District Immunization Officer was also present.

Day 1 of Pulse Polio Campaign is completely dedicated for booth activities and door to door activities will be done in next two days of campaign. The children who are left on day one through Booth Activity will be covered by door to door activities on 2nd and 3rd day i.e. April 3 & 4, 2017.

Department of Health, Police, Social Welfare, Transport and NCC Volunteers from different colleges of Chandigarh joined hands together in the mission to eradicate Polio from the society. All the activities being conducted today throughout the Chandigarh were planned well in advance. A team of Zonal monitors and supervisors are monitoring the  polio related activities on daily basis. A total of 38,466 children have been immunized with Oral Polio Drops during booth round of pulse polio activity today.

A series of awareness generation activities through Advertisements in leading Hindi and English Newspapers, Radio Jingles on FM channels, AIR, Posters, Banners and announcement through FM channels are being conducted to cover maximum number of children for Polio Drops.