22 August 2017

The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of the Punjab Irrigation Engineers has threatened to launch a massive protest very soon against the false assurances of the State Government and the witch-hunt unleashed by Vigilance Bureau against irrigation engineers. The mass agitation will be joined by over 15,000 employees of the irrigation department, including the Class-1 officers to the class-IV employees alike.
This was announced following a meeting of the JAC, held at the new building of the Irrigation Department in Sector 18, Chandigarh. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the PSE Class-1, AMIEE Association, Ministry Staff Association, Revenue Patvari Association, etc.
It was informed that the State Government has failed to keep its promises and no action has been taken on the issue of the witch-hunt against the irrigation engineers by the Vigilance Bureau of Punjab. The detailed plan of action for the mass movement is being chalked out. The JAC warned the government of the consequence of the proposed mass agitation and alerted that the state government will be responsible for the losses whatsoever.