24 May 2023

Dr. Batra’s ® Healthcare; the largest chain of homeopathic clinics in the world, brings for the first time in India the World’s first AI-powered device, AI Skin Pro for diagnosis in the treatment of skin diseases. Imported from South Korea, the machine is the world’s 5th generation AI-powered skin analyzer. It detects skin problems deep within the skin before they manifest themselves on the surface. It is a futuristic method of treating skin problems. Dr. Batra’s® has combined a very unique proposition in conjunction with Homoeopathy which is holistic, safe and without side-effects. Based on AI analysis, personalised treatments have been curated such as, AI Homeo Clear for Acne, AI Homeo Bright for Pigmentation disorders, AI Homeo Youth for anti-aging and AI Homeo Reneu for multipurpose treatments.
Commenting on this new technology in India, Padmashri, Dr. Mukesh Batra, Founder and Chairman of Dr. Batra’s® Group of Companies, said, “Dr. Batra’s® has always been in the forefront of technology. We are very excited to bring forth this new advanced AI technology, AI Skin Pro, for the first time in India to benefit patients of skin problems. A combination of the world’s latest technology with the 250 year old science of homeopathy will ensure better results for patients”.
The AI Skin Pro treatment option will be available in select Dr. Batra’s® clinics in all the metros and in select cities across India and Dubai.