7 January 2019

World renowned Buddhist monk and Spiritual Teacher, Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena’s 60th birthday was celebrated today as ‘Mahakaruna Day’. Ladakhi Students Association organized a Ladakhi Cultural Show at the Law Auditorium of Panjab University, Chandigarh. The programme was supported by Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC), a Leh (Ladakh) based prominent educational and spiritual organization, founded and headed by Bhikkhu Sanghasena.
Social reformer and peace ambassador Acharya Lokesh Muni was the chief guest of the programme. Other prominent guests included senior journalist and author Dr Vandana Shukla, Col Prakash Tiwari, Paramjeet Singh Chandok and Mr D L N Shastri.
The auditorium was fully packed with the students and people from Ladakh, the ‘land of high passes’. The programme started with the screening of a documentary film about the life and work of Sanghasena. Various cultural programmes including Ladakhi songs, dances and chanting were presented by top artists from Ladakh including Padmashri Morup Namgyal, Dorjay Stakmo and Miss Padma Dolker besides many upcoming artists from Ladakh.
Bhikkhu Sanghasena, whose core slogan is ‘Meditation in Action and Compassion in Action’, was recently awarded with the “National Gaurav Award-2018” by the Indian Braveheart Organization at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. The award was presented for his tireless and selfless service in the field of education, healthcare, environmental protection and promotion of world peace, interfaith harmony and Mahakaruna (Great Compassion) at both national and international level for the past 30 years. Sanghasena said, “Meditation is experiencing Buddhahood and compassion is radiating that buddhahood in all direction. I believe that education is the basic requirement for growth of a nation and every individual.”