1 March 2018

The State President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Chandigarh, Sanjay Tandon presented the Hindi version of first three books of Sunrays series, written by him and his wife on inspirational stories, to Hon’ble President of India Sh Ram Nath Kovind, during his visit at Chandigarh. The couple has written and published six books in the ‘Sunrays’ series – Sunrays for Sunday, Sunrays for Monday, Sunrays for Tuesday, Sunrays for Wednesday and Sunrays for Thursday and Sunrays for Friday! He appreciated the efforts behind this and remembered Tandon’s work of sending of daily thoughts to more than 5000 persons for the last 17 years.
Sanjay Tandon also apprised him about the current political scenario of the city and discussed important issues like revival of the housing scheme UT employees, extending the tenure of Mayor and voting rights of the nominated councilors.