29 March 2018

A special screening of ‘Banaras: Ka’ba-e-Hindostan’ showcasing Banaras through Ghalib’s eye was organised today at Hansraj Mahila Mahavidyalaya. Produced & Directed by Delhi-based filmmaker and also the college alumni Beenu Rajpoot, the film, a whole new Banaras has been shown through the eyes of legendary poet. Ghalib’s love for Banaras is found in his masnavi (persian poem) Charage-e-Dair, in the respect of his culture. In their eyes, Banaras is the Kaba of Hindustan. During the occasion, an exhibition of sixty frames truly devoted to Mirza Galib was also staged depicting his life sketch.
“KA’BA – A – HINDOSTAN is based upon the journey of Mirza Ghalib to Banaras while he was on his way from Delhi to Calculate in 1827 to petition with the British for resumption of his royal pension. This film is based upon his Persian Masnavi “Charagh – e – dair” in which he openly declared his love and respect towards Banaras – the holy city of Hindus. He was so impressed with Banaras cultural where he openly call it Ka’ba of Hindostan in his masnavi “Charagh – e – dair”. We are showing very beautiful Banaras through the eyes of Ghalib. And this is the first film have been made in India on his Masnavi “Charagh–e–Dair”.
Ghalib’s ‘Charagh – e – dair’ masnavi (Persian poem) is, through the prism of Bananas, an ode to the spirit of secularism, plurality, co-existence of cultures that defines true spirit of india. Even though proud of his Turkish ancestry, here was Ghalib, a liberal mystic, paying obeisance to Banaras, the holy city of the Hindus, in the most evocative and poetic manner. This masnavi has 108 verses, similar to the 108 beads in a Hindu rosary. Background to this masnavi: Enraptured by the serene beauty of Banaras and the Ganges, this masnavi was written when Ghalib extended his originally one night plans to spend over a month in this holy city, says Beenu.
According to Beenu , “Documentaries touch our hearts and awaken our vision, and change the way we see things. They take us to other places, they open doors and minds. Movies are the memories of our lifetime, we need to keep them alive.” Storytelling documentary expands our understanding of shared human experience, fostering an informed, compassionate, and connected world.