Seminar on sustainable development held



6 June 2023


An interdisciplinary one-day National Seminar focused on ‘Energy Transition: Accelerator for Sustainable Development’ was organised by Dev Samaj College for Women, Sector 45-B in association with Indian Council of Social Sciences Research North-Western Regional Centre (ICSSR), Panjab University at the college campus. The seminar was held successfully with the blessings of Shriman Nirmal Singh Dhillon, Chairman, Dev Samaj College Managing Committee, who has always been a steadfast support in all the activities carried out by the college.

Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kaushik, Honorary Director, ICSSR, North Western Regional Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh was the chief guest at the event and Dr. Yajvender Pal Verma, Registrar and Professor, UIET, Panjab University addressed the seminar as the keynote speaker. The seminar was presided over by Mr. Vivek Atray, ex-IAS Officer Country Advisor, Eco Business.

Dr. Meena Chopra, Principal, extended a floral welcome to the guests. The convenors apprised the audience about the outline of the program. The keynote speaker Dr. Yajvender Pal Verma said that we have to understand the need of adopting sustainable methods for the longevity of this planet.

Mr. Vivek Atray, in his presidential address, emphasized the importance of spreading awareness about practical methods of sustainable development. He discussed the importance of the role of every individual in attaining national goals pertaining to sustainability and that it has to be a continuous process rather than just a topic of discussions at conferences.

Over 30 academicians and scholars from various disciplines presented their research papers in two technical sessions headed by Dr. Anoop Verma, Associate Professor and Head, School of Energy and Environment, TIET, Patiala, Dr. Sandeep Mohan Ahuja, Professor, Chemical Engineering, SLIET, Sangrur, and Dr. Smita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Dr. Sandeep Mohan Ahuja focused on the issues relating to energy conservation audit during his address. He elaborated industrial energy benchmarks for various consumer products. The speakers left the audience spellbound with their stimulating addresses.

Dr. Smita Sharma talked about the fiscal policy for energy transition in India and gave an insight into the economic aspects of the policy related to energy transition and generation.

Dr. Anoop Verma shared real-life anecdotes from his personal experience throwing light on how higher education institutions could be instrumental in making sustainable development a practical reality in the lives of the current and future generations.