Sessions on Trignometry by Social Substance at Government Model HIgh School RC2 Dhanas



7 February 2021


As examination session is approaching, students and teachers have started putting their hard work together to achieve higher. However, the result is not only their responsibility but society has equal share in the same. Social Substance, a group of resource persons is continuously visiting the schools and helping the stakeholders to hit the target.

On Feb 7, 2021, Er. Pawan Singh visited the Government Model High Schools, RC2, Dhanas to take sessions on ‘Trigonometry’ for class Xth. Two batches of students about 25 each were formulated and received a session each. Students iterated many doubts but common of those was ‘Cramming, the formulas’. Er. Pawan delivered the lecture in such a way that students at the end of the session were able to logically reason about the concept and derive formulas by reasoning.

Dr. Arun Bansal, Administrator of the group convened the sessions and motivated students with tips on ‘how to write examinations’. Ms. Ravinder Kaur, Principal of the school emphasized that more of such sessions is her priority and she would not let any stone unturned when it comes to welfare of students studying in her school.