19 May 2018
Kulbir singh kalsi

Sri Aurobindo School won the The 4-Way Test Trophy at a declamation contest organized by Rotary Club of Chandigarh on “Ethics in Day-to-Day Life”.
In the individual category, three girls cornered the first three top prizes. Eishaniof Class 10th of Delhi Public School won the first prize of Rs.5,000 cash while Class 9th student Nitika of Sri Aurobind School, and Vaideshi, Class XI from AKSIPS–46 were adjudged second and third who won cash prizes of Rs.3,000 and Rs.2,000 respectively.
Amoldeep Singh of Ajit Karam Singh International Public School Sector 41, however was conferred a special Jury prize for declamation.
The chief guest, Mr Justice Rajesh Bindalof Punjab and Haryana High Court, presented the trophy to the winning school and prizes to the winning individual students.
Mr Justice Bindal congratulated every participating student and said that ethics not only teach us to uphold the moral values in our conduct in every sphere of life, but also turn us into better human beings.
He implored the students to develop the habit of reading good books especially autobiographies, and respect the teachers as well as the parents for their efforts and sacrifices to make you succeed.
He lamented the dwindling moral values in the society and underlined the need for the parents and teachers to continue to inculate the ethical values amongst children on every day basis so that their character can evolve.
Former world President of Rotary International Rajendra K Saboo however asked the adults to better watch themselves since it is our own actions that speak louder than words, and which children watch and adopt ultimately.
The Chairman of the 4-Ways Test and Ethics Committee of the Club, Past President Vivek Gupta, said that the theme of the contest was “Ethics in Day-to-Day Life” in which seven local schools participated, including Ajit Karam Singh International Public School (AKSIPS), Sector 46; Aurobindo School, Bhavan Vidyalaya, DPS 40, Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School 40, St John’s School, and St. Stephen’s School, Sector 45, Chandigarh.
The declamation contest was supported byShri Puran Chand Memorial Trust.
Club President P.S. Matharoo, District Governor Elect Praveen Chander Goyal, Club Secretary Sartaj Lamba and many other Rotarians were present on the occasion.
Students who participated from different schools included Vaideshi and Amoldeep Singh of Class XI from AKSIPS 41; Nitika Class IX and Khusee Sharda Class X fromSri Aurobindo School; Anushka Class IX and Parimita Class X from Bhavan Vidyalaya; Devika and Sania from Class X of DPS-40; Gurbani Class X and Arish Class IX from Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School-40; and Vaidehi and Anmol Singh of Class XI from St.John’s; and Anish Gupta and Rashi Guptà of class X from St. Stephens.
More than 80 years ago, in the midst of the Great Depression, a US Rotarian Herbert J Taylore devised a simple, four-part ethical guideline that helped him rescue a beleaguered business. The statement and the principles it embodied also helped many others find their own ethical compass. Soon embraced and popularized by Rotary International, The Four-Way Test today stands as one of the Rotary International’s hallmarks.