New Delhi
24 November 2018

Surinder Verma Chairman Citizens Awareness Group Chandigarh and Vice President National Media Confederation and Indian Federation of Small and media Newspapers has been elected Media Adviser of Consumer Coordination Council ( Apex body of Consumer Organisations in India ) at Annual General Body meeting held on 24th November at Gandhi Peace Foundation Delhi.
Others elected in the Governing Council are Ajay Hazarika – Assam , liyakat Ali-Rajisthan , Packialakshmi- Tamilnadu,Rama Rao- Andhra Pradesh.,M V Mathew – Kerla ,S C Sharma- N C R, Padam Mohan Mishra- Utter Pardesh, Laxmi Narain Patel- Odisha and Prakash Bosomia- Gujrat.
Anil Johri who presided over the event advised the consumer organisations to unite under one umbrella and congratulated the for the grand success of the ended. Meeting ended with distribution of sweets by elected G C members