23 May 2020

Thalassemias are inherited blood disorders characterized by decreased hemoglobin production. Symptoms depend on the type and can vary from none to severe. Often there is mild to severe anemia (low red blood cells or hemoglobin). Anemia can result in feeling tired and pale skin. There may also be bone problems, an enlarged spleen, yellowish skin, and dark urine. Slow growth may occur in children. A 32-years old Thalassemia patient from Kurukeshtra, Aditya Sharma has appealed to people for blood donation.
Aditya Sharma said, “Living with Thalassemia is not so easy, but I never thought it to be a hurdle in my life. I am living my life fully. I have travelled so many countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Thailand, Combodia, China, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, New Zealand. I am regularly taking transfusion after every 20 days from PGIMER, Chandigarh. I have done PG in Hotel Management from Kurukshetra University and working with SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd for the past 6 years.”
He further added, “Now a days I am living in Portugal and getting my treatment there itself. I inject daily myself to remove excess iron from my body. I want to give a message to the world that donate blood and be aware about Thalassemia. These patients need blood transfusion after every 20-25 days, so you can understand the importance of Blood in a Thalassemia patient’s life. I observe people in india have a fear on blood donation, but believe me your one donation can save three lives. I am thankful to my friends and family who saved my life by donating in difficult times. Blood donation is a noble cause so keep donating to save the lives of thalassemia patients.”
Thalassemias are genetic disorders inherited from a person’s parents. There are two main types, alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia. The severity of alpha and beta thalassemia depends on how many of the four genes for alpha globin or two genes for beta globin are missing. Diagnosis is typically by blood tests including a complete blood count, special hemoglobin tests, and genetic tests. Diagnosis may occur before birth through prenatal testing.