5 September 2019

As part of a continuous effort to enhance the TOEFL iBT® test experience for students and its value to institutions worldwide, students can now take advantage of more flexible testing options, including an increase in the number of test session offerings and a shorter turnaround time for retesting, if necessary.
Beginning immediately, students can register for afternoon testing sessions on select dates, a shift that effectively doubles the testing capacity of participating test centers on those dates. In addition, students can test on consecutive weekends as available dates permit —a significant improvement to the previous 12-day retest waiting period.
These updates, which follow the shortened test time and MyBest™ scores enhancements launched last month, will also be beneficial to institutions— the earlier students can test or retest, the earlier institutions can receive students’ accompanying score report, allowing them to make informed admissions decisions based on a wider eligible applicant pool of qualified students in a timely manner.
“The latest improvements to the TOEFLtest revolve around the student testing experience and creating efficiencies that enable them to save time so that they can act quickly,” said ETS’s Srikant Gopal, Executive Director of the TOEFL Program. “We understand that students need and appreciate flexibility, and these new changes provide conveniences for them as they navigate deadlines and busy schedules in preparing for their academic futures.”
For general information on the TOEFL test, please visit To prepare for the test, be sure to check out our refreshed preparation materials reflecting the recent test changes, including a free, full-length practice test at