2 September 2019

Chitkara College of Education (CCE) welcomed the prospective teachers on the first day of their journey to become the alpha teachers. CCE invited renowned and eminent Indian film & theatre artist, Mr. Vikram Gokhle and Master Storyteller & Curriculum designer, Ms. Simi Srivastava to conduct expert sessions on Performing Arts. The prospective teachers were conditioned to use Performing Arts as a classroom pedagogy-restructuring tool through highly enriching and engaging sessions on “Bringing Theatre into Classroom” and “A Sneak peek into the world of Storytelling”.
Theatre and Performing Arts are powerful tools, which not only engage the creative side of the brain, but also provide an ideal balance in students’ patterns of study. It’s easy for children to become swamped in a sea of theory, which is why subjects that offer practical learning are essential to rejuvenate and engage students, iterated both the speakers while sharing the objective behind conducting these sessions for prospective teachers. Mr. Gokhle and Ms. Srivastava also praised Chitkara University for developing such a ‘powerful & revolutionary B.Ed. program which is in sync with the industry and caters to the demands of the present generation’s learning style.
Addressing the new batch of alpha teachers at the Orientation Program, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University enunciated that it is very important to keep pace with latest educational trends and techniques when teaching the millennial and digital natives. The students these days have very short attention span and itbecomes very challenging for a teacher to conceive engaging lessons for these learners. For sure, inclusion of Performing Arts in education provides learner with the opportunity to engage their mind, body and emotions into a collaborative expression. Our Pedagogy Maestros for the day Mr. Vikram Gokhle and Ms. Simi Srivastava have beautifully depicted the same in their expert talk and workshop.