31 August 2023

The Punjab and Himachal chapters of Business Network International (BNI) celebrated its Members Day in Amritsar. Ace political strategist and DesignBoxed co-founder Naresh Arora was invited as Guest of Honour and Key Note speaker at the event.
Delivering his key-note address, Arora emphasized on the value of time and discipline in life. Arora also shared his life-story and the success-tale of his company DesignBoxed. He said, “The concept of time has taken on new dimensions in this competitive world as time is no longer just a chronological marker but also a valuable currency that can be invested wisely to yield remarkable returns. Concept of time being money has never been more relevant than today. Just as we spend money judiciously to buy comforts and luxuries in life, we must invest our time carefully to reap substantial rewards. Unlike money, however, time is a not a renewable asset. Once spent, it cannot be regained. This scarcity makes it crucial to allocate time thoughtfully to activities that align with our goals, values, and aspirations.”
A short film about journey of Naresh Arora and DesignBoxed was also shown on the big screen which left the audience awestruck as people were glued to seats while watching the inspiring journey of the eminent political strategist.
Arora in his speech also emphasized that true worth of time becomes evident when it is combined with discipline, perseverance, and consistency. He asserted that these virtues are not only essential for personal growth but also for achieving professional success.
Citing his own example, Arora said that discipline and perseverance turned DesignBoxed from a 20 people enterprise to a 1000 people company.
He asserted that athletes provide a compelling example of the power of consistency. A dedicated athlete follows a rigorous training routine day in and day out, gradually building strength, endurance, and skill. This consistency ultimately leads to improved performance and, in some cases, record-breaking achievements.
Meanwhile BNI is amongst the biggest collaboration of the Business Networking Individuals with more than 56,000 members country-wide working across business spheres. Prominent personalities including DesignBoxed Co-Founder and Director Gunjeet Kaur, Amit Dilawari attended the event organized by senior BNI leadership including Akhilesh Hora, Anant Chawla, Sachin Mehra, Vriti Seth Dua and CEO for Member’s Day Event, Amit Sharma. All of them also shared their experience with the audience.