1 March 2018

Two-day Intensive Training Program on Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) Simulation held on 28thFebruary & 1st March at CII Northern Region HQ, Sec 31 Chandigarh. Punjab Energy Conservation Building Code (Punjab ECBC) has been notified by the Department of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of Punjab which is now mandatory in the buildings, building complexes having connected load of 100kW or greater or a contract demand of 120kVA or greater or having conditional area of 500m2 or more.
For the effective implementation of Punjab ECBC, Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) with the support of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and UNDP as per UNDP-GEF-BEE Project has initiated the Capacity Building Training Programs which are being organized through Design2Occupancy Services LLP at various locations in the state of Punjab for all Urban Local Bodies, Department of Architecture and Town Planning, Improvement Trusts, Builders, Developers etc.
Balkar Singh, AGM, PEDA in his address emphasized on the smooth implementation of the Punjab ECBC which will ensure construction of energy efficient buildings resulting reduction in electrical demand by 30-40% in the buildings. With about 1 billion m2 of commercial buildings yet to be built, there is huge potential of energy consumption. He talked about the notification released for implementation of Punjab ECBC and mentioned that this code will be mandatory for all the commercial buildings while approval of building plans.
Sapna, Chief Architect, Punjab talked about the need of energy conservation in buildings and she focused that the buildings shall be designed in such a way that buildings would consume less energy.
Manav Jain, Senior Town Planner, Department of Local Govt., Punjab focused on implementation of Punjab ECBC in Municipal Building Bye-Laws and incentive provided as 15% rebate in property tax. Amandeep Kaur Nijjer, Senior Town Planner, Department of Town & Country Planning focused on incorporation of Punjab ECBC in common building bye-laws of Housing & Urban Development Department. Sunil Kansal, Chief Engineer, GMADA throw light on requirements of best construction practices needs to be implemented for implementation of Punjab ECBC in the state of Punjab.
Gaurav Shorey, ECBC Master Trainer delivered upon technicalities of the requirements of the Punjab ECBC code which needs to be required for compliance in upcoming buildings. Money Khanna, highlighted the compliance approaches required for implementation of Punjab ECBC and process of creation of ECBC Professionals in the state of Punjab.
This training programme has been attended by most of the Govt. Departments, Architects, Builders, Hotel Facility staff, Institutions from Chandigarh. The objective of such training programmes is to create ECBC Professionals in the state of Punjab. Sh. Money Khanna, Design2Occupancy Services LLP, Swapnil Jain, D2O, and others were present during the training programme.