
26 May 2020


Two days (26 and 27 May) DAVC SANSAD E PARLIAMENT is being organized by the Department of Political Science, DAV College Chandigarh by providing digital platform to the students to discuss and debate issues of current importance. The inauguration session was chaired by Dr Ghanshyam Dev, HOD. The chief guest of the event was Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Principal DAV College Chandigarh. The programme started with the welcome speech by Dr Sutapa Saryal, Coordinator for the programme. Dr Saryal introduced the theme to the participants and highlighted the relevance of the theme of Citizenship Amendment Bill. Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Principal, in his inaugural address congratulated the Department for organizing student oriented programme on digital platform to debate and discuss the issues of national importance. He advised the students that discussion should be undertaken in a dispationate and objective manner because truth is not the repository of one individual. It has multidimensions and one should accept others point of view with humility.
A total number of 45 students from different colleges and institutions emulate the role of members of parliament and more than 50 student organizers of the Political Science Association DAV College are actively participating in the meet. The day one programme started at 10.30 AM and concluded at 5.30 PM with a lunch break from 3 to 4 pm. In the very first session every participant got the opportunity to deliver one minute opening speech according to their allotted portfolio followed by discussion. The afternoon session was a Public Session in which a thorough discussion on NRC took place. The day two programme will commence on 27th May at 10.30 Am.