“Serving humanity should be the sole motivation of masses to cover this crisis situation with positivity, ” said UT DGP Sanjay Baniwal, who joined Joshi Foundation and Heart Foundation for distributing free food packets to the needy under ‘Jan Jan Bhojan — Feed The Needy’ at Sector 15 today.
Around 4000 free-meal packets are cooked under ‘Jan Jan Bhojan — Feed The Needy’ program by Joshi Foundation and Heart Foundation in a kitchen setup at the Sector 15 community centre.
The DGP joined the community service at 3 pm at the Sector 15 community centre today. “I must appreciative the efforts of Joshi Foundation and Heart Foundation who are helping UT Administration to reach out to underprivileged and needy families by providing them food in this crisis time. It’s a sheer showcase of unity by both NGOs and administration to come forward and serve the humanity,” said Baniwal.

The Joshi Foundation is distributing free cooked food packets to 4000 persons on a daily basis. Out of the total prepared food, as many as 2000 are distributed though UT Administration, while the remaining packets are distributed in nearby colonies, including, EWS small flats, Dhanas, and Kachi colony, Dhanas. The community kitchen started on April 2, and today it entered its 11th day of servicing.
“We have been distributing 4000 food packets daily from the Joshi Foundation platform under Jan Jan Bhojan — Feed The Needy scheme. On daily basis, we are providing 2000 packets to the UT Administration, while other 2000 packets are distributed among the people living in EWS/Small flats (Dhanas), Kachi Colony (Dhanas) and at other places,” said Vineet Joshi, Chairman Joshi Foundation.