4 January 2018

Verka the flagship brand of the Punjab State Cooperative Federation of Milk Producers Unions Ltd. (MILKFED) has assured marketing of milk for the milk producers and is serving the nationwide consumers by supplying them milk and milk products. MILKFED operates with an overall objective of bringing prosperity among milk producers of the state by providing them adequately remunerative costs, through an efficient network for marketing their products.
The onset of New Year marked with an annual review and planning meeting organized at Verka Corporate office. The program was chaired by Addl Chief Secretary Punjab cum Chairman Milkfed Sh. D.P. Reddy. Managing Director Sh. Manjit Singh Brar, Director Sh Yadwinder Singh and Sh Sukhjinder Singh and all the employees of Corporate office were also present.
Speaking on the occasion and sharing the achievements of year 2017 Sh D. P. Reddy Addl Chief Secretary Punjab cum Chairman Milkfed said,”2017 has been a watershed year for the organization. By adopting various focused strategies the milk procurement saw a record high by 30%. New Ice cream Plant with 10000 ltr per day capacity was started and completed. Verka Corporate Office at Sector 34 A, Chandigarh proudly became the first office in Punjab to be completely working through e-office. 60MT fermented Dairy plan project was started in Verka Mohali Dairy which was later upgraded to 100 MT after deliberating the curd demand in the market which will be completed in year 2018. Up gradation of Milk Powder Plant at Verka Jalandhar Dairy and automated Dairy project at Amritsar started in 2017 are expected to finish in 2018”.
The organization is looking forward to the New Year with great enthusiasm and renewed energies. Targets and resolutions for 2018 were set during the meeting. Verka’s ambitious Mega dairy project at Bassi Pathana with capacity of handling 10LLPD is planned to take of this year in a phased manner with the help of 100 crores grant from NABARD. The organization will launch Fresh Milk and Milk products in Delhi Market and targets selling 1 lac litres milk by the year end. 2018 will also mark digitization of milk procurement societies. Continuing its mission to upgrade the existing facilities apart from setting up new ones, Up gradation of Verka Ludhiana Dairy project is in the offering.
Sh. D.P. Reddy said , “2017 has been a successful year for Verka, we had achieved all our targets set for the year. We hope that the New Year will be more fruitful for the organization and we will be able to reach our target in time. We also look forward to give our farmers the maximum benefits while ensuring diverse and better product offerings to our customers.”