19 June 2019

A victory celebration was observed today by ALLEN Career Institute to honor it’s glorious protégé’s in the recently held JEE-ADVANCED, AIIMS and NEET examination at S D College Auditorium, Sector 32, Chandigarh.
The programme was initiated with Deep prajwallan by Senior Vice Presidents Mr. Pankaj Birla who was escorted by Center Head of the Chandigarh branch Mr. Pushkar Rai.
Mr. Pankaj Birla, the Senior Vice President of ALLEN expressed his gratitude for the trust that the parents of the zone have placed in the institution since it’s establishment. He said that the motive of opening various branches was to familiarize students with the values inculcated in the pupils studying in Kota and today, on seeing the achievers he feels that the target has finally been achieved.
Approximately 121 students of JEE Advance and 129 students of AIIMS/NEET were awarded prizes which included the prize money of Rs 5 lac to AIR-4 Chaitanya Mittal of AIIMS. Cash prize of Rs 3 lac was awarded to Jayesh Singla JEE- ADV AIR-17, Rs 3 lac cash prize to Amritesh Singh Grewal AIIMS AIR 12, Rs 3 lac cash prize to Ishan Gupta AIIMS AIR 14, 2 lac cash prize to Shrey Singla JEE- ADV AIR-36, 2 lac cash prize to Kartikeya AIIMS AIR 46, 1 lac cash prize to Ashutosh Singla JEE MAINS AIR 50. 1 lac cash prize to Ishika Kamra NEET UG AIR 70, 1 lac cash prize to Gautam Kaushal NEET UG AIR 96, Fifty one Thousand cash prize to Shivesh Gupta JEE MAINS AIR 69 etc.
Mr. Pushkar Rai, Center Head of ALLEN Chandigarh applauded his academic, administrative team as well as the students for turning the collective dream of seeing Allen at the top flourishing into reality. He was convinced about the fact that none could stop this diligent group’s efforts to achieve the aim of being the no. 1 institution of the region.
The main highlights of the magnificent event was the reckoning of the function with by Deep Prajwallan (lighting of the lamp) which was in complete synchronization with the values taught at Allen. This was followed by the National Anthem and then the prize distribution started after Ganesh Vandana. The parents enjoyed each and every moment of the prize distribution amidst entertaining shero-shayari and cultural programs.