15 June 2020

Post Graduate Government College for Girls-11, Chandigarh organized an Virtual National Seminar on Science and Technology for Human welfare and its effects on Conservation.
The seminar was a perfect blend of traditional and modern tools of diversity, human welfare including scientific and innovative sessions. Eminent scholar form Chandigarh and New Delhi Prof. Promila Pathak, Prof. Alok Srivastava, Dr. Mukesh Jewariya and Dr. Archana Chauhan made their presentations and interacted with the students and apprised them about the finer details of the Orchid science, Bar coding, Laser and Entropy in conservation and Human welfare respectively.
The online seminar was attended by more than 100 students of five colleges of Chandigarh. It was in synchronization with the theme that our solutions are in nature”, hence is of importance in the trying and testing times of this pandemic.
Principal Prof(Dr)Anita Kaushal urged the students to be keen observers for developing new technologies and lauded the effort of the Departments of Science (Botany Chemistry, Physics and Zoology), in providing platform to update their knowledge.
Is there any chance,I can get video of this virtual seminar?