12 August 2022

The Orthopaedics Team at Fortis Hospital Mohalirecently operated on a national-level sportsperson for a knee injury throughthe latest technique ofRevision ACL surgery.
The team of doctors led byDr Manit Arora, Consultant, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Fortis Hospital Mohali,performed Revision ACL surgery on 30-year-oldVishesh Bhriguvanshi,Captain of the Indian Basketball Team, last month.
Revision ACL surgeryis a complex procedure performed when a first-time Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) has failed.The ACL is a tissue that connects the thigh bone (Femur) to the shinbone (Tibia), at the knee. The injury is usually caused due to overstretching or tearing of the ACL.
Patient Bhriguvanshi, who has represented the country in more than 40 international tournaments,had suffered an ACL injury in his right knee during a match in New Delhi in 2018. He subsequently underwent a knee surgery. However, he again developed a complication during a match.
Vishesh Bhriguvanshifinally approached Dr Arora at Fortis Mohalilast month and underwent an ACL Revision surgeryon 16th July.Following good rehabilitation, he was able to walk without support and subsequently discharged the following day. The Patientdid not faceany complications post-surgery, and has begun load-bearing exercises.
Discussing the benefits of Revision ACL surgery, Dr Arora, said, “A Revision ACL surgery is a complex procedure primarily done in cases of failed ACL. There are many new techniques which require an experienced hand. Thetreatment includes rest and rehabilitation exercises to help a player regain strength and stability. This helps accelerates a player’s return to the respective game.VisheshBhriguvanshi is likely to resume his practice after 7-8 months.”