5 September 2019

When you have the ability to overcome disability, you can go against all odds. Today’s wheelchair rally was a show of strength, grit and determination of those suffering from spinal cord injuries.
The rally was flagged off by Vivek Atray, former IAS and motivational speaker from Sector 17 Plaza here today. The rally was organised by Chandigarh Spinal Rehab to mark World Spinal Cord Injury Day, which culminated at the Chandigarh Spinal Rehab in Sector 28-A, Madhya Marg, which is a rehabilitation centre for acute disabilities like spinal cord injury and brain injury. The idea behind observing the day was to spread awareness about spinal cord injuries and how to live life after that.
Founder of a city based NGO ArriveSAFE, Harman Singh Sidhu led the rally. He said rather than imposing heavy challans focus should be more on preventing road crashes to save human lives. Road accidents cause approximately 70 percent cases of spinal cord injuries. The participants were holding placards carrying messages on road safety and in support of those with spinal cord injuries. More than 50 wheelchair users along with other city residents were a part of the event.
In a short duration of three years, this rehabilitation centre has been successful in bringing holistic approach in rehabilitation to not only enable persons getting rehabilitation but to make them capable and to move on to a life of dignity and purpose despite being on a wheelchair.
Spinal cord injury and the resultant paralysis has devastating physical, mental, social, sexual and vocational consequences for injured. In addition, the injury increases the economic burden on the person who sustain and potentially his or her entire support network. It has been observed that it is not always bad luck that causes spinal cord injuries. In many cases it is carelessness, recklessness, ignorance or bad decisions.
While speaking on the occasion, Mrs. Nicky P. Kaur, Founder and CEO of Chandigarh Spinal Rehab said, “Just as Chandigarh Spinal Rehab is working diligently towards empowering lives of persons with Spinal cord injury and brain injury, we appeal to the residents of Chandigarh to make ramps outside their homes and in public spaces so that we can create an Inclusive and Accessible Chandigarh for persons on wheelchairs. Moreover, let there be more jobs for persons with disabilities so that we can look forward to a truly empowered future for Indians despite disabilities.”
Vivek Atray, the Chief Guest, while speaking on the occasion said, “There are people who defeat ill luck with fortitude even though life has utterly battered them. I really admire the magnificent spirit of these true heroes where the mind is without fear. The average human being is bound to go through ups and downs with alarming regularity. Even the topmost achievers of the world have to go through them. Then why wallow in self-pity? Why carry the question ‘why me?’ with us at all times?”