Who will pay Rs 1541 Crore of Post Matric Scholarship ? JAC Questioned Govt

World Wisdom News


13 June 2020


A meeting of Joint Action Committee (JAC) comprising 13 associations was held today through video conferencing to deliberate on Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) Funds.

The meeting was attended by Sh. Jagjit Singh, President, B.Ed Federation; S. Sukhmander Singh Chatha, President, Punjab Unaided Degree Colleges Association (PUDCA); Dr.  Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, President, Punjab Unaided Technical Institutions Association; Mr. Charanjit Singh Walia, President, Nursing Colleges Association; S Rajinder Dhanoa, Polytechnic Association; Mr. Shimanshu Gupta, ITI Association; S. Nirmal Singh, ETT Federation; Dr. Anshu Kataria, President, PUCA; Sh. Vipin Sharma, Confederation of Unaided Colleges Association; Sh. Anil Chopra, Confederation of Punjab Unaided Institutions; Mr. Jasnik Singh, B.Ed. Association, PU; Dr. Satwinder Sandhu, B.Ed Association GNDU Colleges etc were also present.

Dr. Anshu Kataria, Spokesman, JAC & President, Punjab Unaided Colleges Association (PUCA) said that Centre has already released Rs 309 Crore to the State in the month of March-April out of Rs 1850 Crore. But the State Govt has not disbursed the funds further to the Colleges. JAC questioned why the State Govt is not disbursing the amount when the Centre has already paid?

Senior Vice President, Punjab Unaided Technical Institutions Association (PUTIA), S. Manjit Singh further added that Centre and State should decide that who will pay the due amount of Rs 1541 crore of PMS of last 3 Years. Due to the non disbursement of the funds, Colleges are under huge financial loss. Due to the non disbursement of the funds, the poor SC students find it difficult to continue their studies further.

President, PUTIA, Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal said that Centre & State should also clear that whether the colleges give admission to the SC Students in 2020-21 without fees under the scheme; if yes, then when would the funds for these students be disbursed?