11 February 2019

Chandigarh Ki Aawaz Party with support of teachers of Government school would be launching a campaign against moves to push privatization in the education sectors. This was shared by Avinash Singh Sharma, CAP’s Loksabha candidate from Chandigarh after meeting with a delegation of school teachers and educators from Chandigarh.
Chandigarh Administration has decided to bring the PPP Model in Chandigarh government schools whereby private institutes and Trusts would run the school. The proposal is scheduled for discussion in the Advisory Meet to be held on February 14, 2019.
The first stage of the project would include schools of rural parts and periphery areas of Chandigarh. Remaining schools will be included in the next stage. Under this PPP model, only the school building will be under the control of Chandigarh administration while the private parties will take control of the infrastructure and school management. This has created a widespread resentment among the govt teachers who met Avinash Singh and shared their concerns.
“The Education scenario in Chandigarh has worsened in last few years; highly skewed Teacher-Student ratio being the main reason. Lack of resource and shortage of teachers has been a big problem but privatization is no solution. Rather this would lead to increase in fee by private parties which would ultimately mean that EWS would not be able to afford education of their children anymore,” said Avinash Singh after meeting the teachers’ delegation.
He also pointed finger at BJP accusing them of favoritism in this PPP model. He added that this would result in exploitation of teachers as they will be paid less but work burden would increase considerably. He has assured the teachers that CAP would be opposing this move and take a stand in favour of the teachers.