Winter Carnival ‘MCC 2023’ held at Mount Carmel School, Sector 47, Chandigarh



5 February 2023


Under the auspices of the Founders and Directors of Mount Carmel Schools, Dr. Earnest Charles J. Samuel, Dr. Annie Charles Samuel, and the Principal Dr. Parveena John Singh, the Winter Carnival ‘MCC-2023’ attracted a large crowd at Mount Carmel School, Sector 47, Chandigarh. The Mount Carmelites and residents of the Tricity gathered with all zest and joy to enjoy the revelry.  Students gathered in large numbers enthusiastically to decorate and manage their stalls. The stage was occupied with performances besides students from different Schools participated in competitions i.e. Drawing, Border Design, Hand Painting, Indian Fold Dance, Western Dance, Paper Flower Bouquet Making, Doodling in Drawing, 3D Cardboard Sculpture Making, etc. The Fashion Show for Mr. & Miss ‘MCC 2023’ grabbed eyeballs.

The Chief Professor Immanuel Nahar, Chairman, Punjab State Minority Commission inaugurated the Fete, and the closing ceremony was presided over by Anil Kumar Parashar, Former Joint Registrar, National Human Rights Commission, as the Chief Guest & Arnus Masih, Member, National Commission for Minorities, as the Guest of Honour. Shivam Rana was selected as Mr. MCC 2023 and Rishita Sinha as Miss MCC 2023 in the fashion show. Other results: Drawing Competition (Group-A, Classes IV & V): Dia Gupta (first), Armaan Deep Singh of Chitkara Int’l School (second), Vani Jain (third). Border Design Making Competition (Group-B, Classes VI & VII): Shiyai Raj (first), Simran (second),  Satnam Kaur Brar (third). Hand Painting Competition (Group-C: Classes VIII – X): Kirti Yadav & Arya (first), Priyanshi Sharma & Angel (second), Gurveer Pahwa & Ambar Narang (third). Flower Bouquet Making Competition (Group-A, Classes IV & V): Janvi Khullar (first), Kabeer Saxena (second), Kolambhi (third).  

Doodling in the Drawing Competition (Group-B, Classes VI & VII): Kuljot Kaur Saggu (first), Muskan Kapila (second), and Ananya (third). In the 3D Cardboard Sculpture Making Competition (Group-C, Classes VIII – X): Adity Pal Singh & Prateek Sharma (first), Priyanshi Sharma & Shubhi Patel (second), Gautami Joshi & Japleen Kaur (third). The Folk Group Dance Competition was won by Chitkara International School, Chandigarh, and the Western Group Dance Competition was won by  Carmel Convent School, Chandigarh.