Workshop ‘Information Technology for Teachers’ at GMHS RC2, Dhanas



22 September 2018


Government Model High School RC2, Dhanas collaborated with Social Substance this Saturday to organize a series of events for welfare of environment and skill development in teachers.  Four sessions were organized in the school on Sep 22, 2018. In first session Mr. Jagdish Singh illustrated the utility of open source software for teachers. In another session Dr. Arun Bansal enabled them to use Information and Technology for better time management and analysis of results etc. The emphasis was to increase the productivity and generate in-house resources for students and faculty alike.

In third Session, Dr. Geetra Arora from PEC discussed about the healthy living life style. She was vibrant while highlighting the issues of fast food life style citing that education should lead towards harmony and that can be achieved only with healthy mind and body.

In fourth session, Mr. Parveen Jaggi, a well known theatre artist initiated a plantation drive with his family members including her sister who is visiting Chandigarh from Hollywood. The purpose of this association was to attract more resources for students of school. Mr. Jaggi agreed to coach the students in future for ‘nukkad  natak’ and theatre.

Mrs. Ravinder Kaur expressed that she was leaving no stone unturned for the betterment of education and invited Social Substance to conduct ten days’ regular IT training for teachers. She also mentioned that it was her mission to uplift the result this session as she was specially transferred to this school and she had already come far in this direction.