10 October 2017
Kulbir singh kalsi

The World Mental Health Day on the theme “Mental Health in workplace” was celebrated by National Institute of Nursing Education (N.I.N.E.) in collaboration with Department of Psychiatry, and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Prof. Jagat Ram, Director, Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Dean (Academics), presided over the function. Patients and attendants were educated on mental health by nursing students through role play in the New OPD, DDTC OPD and Psychiatry OPD. They were told about the qualities of mentally healthy individuals, prevention of mental illness, promotion of mental health, stress reduction etc.
Prof. Jagat Ram, Director, PGI opined that the work related stress is the biggest occupational health problem which leads to anxiety and depression among workers. A psychological healthy workforce and a supportive work environment will benefit staff and employers alike. Employer should make healthy work environment for their staff by developing policies and procedures to ensure harmonious relationships among each other.
Dr Sandhya Ghai, Principal, NINE welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the theme “Mental Health in the Workplace” and highlighted that Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. She asserted that if you have good mental health, you can make the most of your potential, cope up with life, play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends. She further shared that to have positive mental health it is necessary to clear our minds of prejudices, petty interests and conflicts. We should have a broad hear and an all-compassing consciousness. We should respect one another, observe purity of speech, mind and action and vow to remain free from arrogance, jealousy, pride and cynicism. We should shed wrong perceptions about people, communities and ideas, and return good for evil in daily life.
Prof. Ajit Avasthi, Head, Dept. of Psychiatry delivered the keynote address related to theme of the day. He emphasized on giving out best output , inculcate values of respect and tolerance within oneself and maintain cordial relationships at the workplace as most of our time is spent at workplace.
A role play on the theme was enacted by nursing students at Psychiatry/DDTC OPD, PGIMER as well as at RaipurRani and Naraingarh under the Community Psychiatry Program. Health Mela was organized at Dispensary of Bhaskar Colony which included health check-up, puppet show, laughter therapy, relaxation therapy and health education. A quiz on mental health was also conducted by Dr Sunita Sharma in the NINE Auditorium.
Mental Health Awareness rally was flagged off by the Director, Dean and Deputy Director (Admn.), and Dr. Sandhya Ghai, Principal, NINEPGIMER, was carried out in PGI Campus followed by concluding address at reception, Nehru Hospital, by Dr. Shweta from Deptt. of Hospital Administration PGIMER, Chandigarh . A movie on the theme will be played at NINE Auditorium on 11-10-2017.