7 July 2019

To emphasize on the role yoga plays in our lives and to sensitize people about its benefits that can be utilized to curb drug menace and get the life of drug addicts on track, a thirty Minute Yoga protocol for de-addiction was introduced by Dr. Shirley Telles, Director, Patanjali Research Foundation here today at a seminar organized by Joshi Foundation in Chandigarh. The protocol was introduced in the presence of chief guest Sanjay Baniwal Director General of Police Chandigarh, Guest of Honour Dr. Mahendra Singh Principal, Govt College of Yoga Education and Health; Vineet Joshi and Saurabh Joshi both Chairman & President of Joshi Foundation.
Three scientists from Patanjali demonstrated the Yoga protocol to more than 150 yoga trainers invited by Joshi Foundation. Yoga protocol for de-addiction is a combination of Bhastrika pranayama (Yoga bellow types breathing ), Kapalabhati pranayama (High frequency yoga breathing), Bhramari pranayama (Bumble bee breathing), Padahastasana accompanied by exhalation with sound (Hand to foot pose), Ardha chakrasana accompanied by exhalation with sound(Half wheel pose), Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose) left and right, Chakkiasana (Mill churning pose), Parvatasana accompanied by exhalation with sound (Mountain pose),Bhujangasana accompanied by exhalation with sound (Cobra pose), Salbhasana accompanied by exhalation with sound (Grasshopper pose), Viparitakarni (legs up the wall with or without support) and Shavasana (corpse pose) with breath awareness.
Dr. Shirley shared, how with yoga drug addicts can be cured. She threw light on the yoga poses and practices to begin the transformation and Aid in Addiction Recovery. “When combined with other therapies such as counseling, support groups, and healthy nutrition, yoga can be very beneficial in helping treat addiction to drugs and alcohol”, she emphasized as she talked about these asanas.
DGP Sanjay Baniwal, shared that he too wants the Chandigarh Police to make Yoga a part of their routine so that the stress build up during the duty can be managed. He said that yoga is a combination of mental, physical and spiritual practices or disciplines and in coming future, he would like to collaborate with the Patnjali Research Foundation and Joshi Foundation to spread the word.
Principal, Govt College of Yoga Education and Health, Chandigarh, Dr. Mahendra Singh was also present at the event and shared about the pros of Yoga to our body and soul. “Yoga is one of the new adjunct treatment approaches that have achieved rave reviews for its benefits. The benefits of Yoga for recovering addicts are something that every recovery program should know about.” He said.